Herein lies the tale of Halkjavyk and his brother Myrkjavyn, a “Part One” short story on the history of the Ovyrrakrúsk, their famed hive city, and the origin of the Great Sleep.
He coughed as he breathed in a cloud of dust. It spewed into the air as he turned the pages to the immense Book of Knives. Its letters were faded, but there, clearly enough for his eyes, in an ancient script devised by the Kirrai insect people, were words that struck him from far far across time. It dawned on him right then: that dreams are waves of memory crashing against the rocks of time. He knew this because a comet blazed outside and the world was on fire.
If the world kept all that had been in its bones and its breath, then surely it might remember its wounds and fevers in the form of nightmares. For fear, in the play of shadows and the breaking of spirits, seemed to come, and then go, and then crest, in moments of violence, even in silence. It had been thousands of years since last they saw the comet. The wise thought it had disappeared forever. And then somehow it returned, when the Sky Ship burst asunder, shaking the Earth.
A deep shock was moving through the vast tunnels and chambers of the hive known as the Fátacombs, that his people and the Kirrai had built many eons ago. In the city and lands of Amralas, what was below the earth was far more telling than what was above their underground palace. Yet here above the earth in the dusty script of the sages of Or’Loz — whispered in the cities of Neem, Bazus, Melaras and Anakaras and Ord of Orlan Kan — he sensed there was indeed a secret that might hold the key to an escape for the entire planet.